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Facebook Marketing Service | SoftLoom IT Solutions

Facebook Marketing Service | SoftLoom IT Solutions: Softloom is the leading social media marketing company in Kochi that offers the best Facebook Marketing Services that offer the best results.


What Is Facebook Marketing?

Facebook marketing is a catch-all term for the different ways you can market your business on Facebook. It includes: 

There’s a marketing strategy for every budget, whether you’re looking for a free social media marketing solution or you want to set aside a regular sum for paid Facebook Ads. 

Why Should You Use Facebook Marketing?

Firstly, over 90 million businesses are already on Facebook. Around 1.88 billion users access Facebook at least once per day, and at least 17 percent of users join Facebook to connect with brands and products.

Benefits of Facebook Marketing

  • Precise targeting
  • Increased website traffic
  • Variety of ad formats
  • Customer support
  • Positive impact on SEO

Facebook and globe

In this section, we’ll dive deeper into the advantages of using Facebook in your marketing strategy. You’ll get to know which goals you can achieve with this platform apart from reaching wide audiences.

  • Precise targeting. You already know that Facebook allows users to deeply segment their audience but let’s take a closer look at the options available. Within demographic targeting, you can select an audience with a particular income, education level, life events, relationship status, or job. You can look for customers, taking into account their interests, such as their preferred entertainment, sports, hobbies, and shopping habits. Also, you can reach clients based on purchase behaviors, intent, device usage, etc.
  • Increased website traffic. With this platform, you can drive your audience directly to your website. Moreover, these people will be higher quality leads than users who land on your site organically because they already know your company. Hence, you have more credibility in their minds. Encourage your followers to visit your site to find out more about your products. Besides, when linking to a site, Facebook generates a full-size image if your site page has one. So, it will attract many users’ attention and help you boost website traffic.
  • Variety of ad formats. Facebook provides businesses with excellent opportunities that allow them to showcase their products from the best angles. Ads on this platform include both text and visual formats. You can boost your post by turning it into an ad, produce stories to show your behind-the-scenes, make a slideshow of your new collection, use carousel ads to demonstrate up to 10 products linking to the corresponding pages, etc.
  • Customer support. A lot of people prefer to connect with a brand via social media. Phone calls have become a thing of the past. Create a chatbot for Facebook Messenger to communicate with users based on their popular queries — keywords. They can include “price,” “delivery,” “payment options,” “purchase,” “book,” etc. You only need to develop a scenario based on users’ FAQs and write the answers. Your chatbot will imitate the real conversation. As a result, your support team will have time for more complicated issues and you can automate routine tasks.
  • Positive impact on SEO. Some marketers claim that social media influences search rankings. It’s believed that robots take into account your data in the About section while ranking. Moreover, your social media engagement contributes a lot. Shares, likes, and comments tell Google that people are interested in your brand and engage with it. Although there is no exact proof, it isn’t superfluous either.

Formats of Facebook Marketing

  • Video ad
  • Image ads
  • Carousel ads
  • Collection ad
  • Slideshow ads
  • Lead generation ads

Facebook is not only a social media leader but also a fast-growing company due to half a million new accounts created per day. As time goes by, Facebook developers come up with new formats of ads to meet modern requirements of Facebook Ads funnel building, optimizing the time-proven ads., read an article on our blog.


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